May 30, 2011

My Before and After Product Photos

Everyone who sells online will tell you, it's the photo that sells the item. I've been working on improving my photos since I sold my first sculpture on Etsy. I've improved, but could still learn a lot. If there's one hard and fast rule I've learned, it is: take all pictures with natural light.

Here are a few of my before and after pictures. The first one is the shot straight from the camera. The second is after cropping, color correcting, and 'tweaking'.





I recently moved some furniture around and discovered to my dismay that I'd moved the table away from the sunny window where I've taken pictures for three years. I'm using the windowsill, a corner shelf, but it's just not the same. I guess this means back to the drawing board!

thanks for the visit!


  1. Aside from your photos (which are good!) your little critters are just adorable.

    I use a table in front of my window for years.

    I recently got one of those photography cubes made of white fabric around a wire frame.

    I did not get the lamps because of budget. But this cube has worked much better than just the window, even without the lamps. It seems to just absorb the window light that surrounds the object!

  2. I do have a small lightbox, from Walmart, of all places. It worked great for small items. I just have such limited space available to keep it set up. A light box can really do wonders though, especially in the dreary middle of winter!
