How to Avoid Long Lines at the Post Office This Year
1. Buy all your gifts from stores that will wrap and ship them for you.
2. Shop from catalogs or on the Internet and have all the items sent directly to the recipients.
3. Use a post office that has a self-service center where you can weigh and purchase postage yourself. I love these!
4. Shop and mail early, ideally before Thanksgiving. If not, then check the Post Office website for shipping holiday deadlines.
5. Time your post office visits for nonpeak hours: early morning and mid-afternoon on weekdays. Avoid Saturdays, lunch time and the period between 4:00 p.m. and closing.
6. Go to the post office at opening time if you can't avoid a Saturday visit.
1. Buy all your gifts from stores that will wrap and ship them for you.
2. Shop from catalogs or on the Internet and have all the items sent directly to the recipients.
3. Use a post office that has a self-service center where you can weigh and purchase postage yourself. I love these!
4. Shop and mail early, ideally before Thanksgiving. If not, then check the Post Office website for shipping holiday deadlines.
5. Time your post office visits for nonpeak hours: early morning and mid-afternoon on weekdays. Avoid Saturdays, lunch time and the period between 4:00 p.m. and closing.
6. Go to the post office at opening time if you can't avoid a Saturday visit.